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ISO 17100. Bureau Veritas Certification. ES1 18682-1 +34 93 539 69 10 +34 93 539 69 10

Translation company in Barcelona

We are native translators, professional copy editors and project managers determined to deliver the best results every day. The experience of almost 30 years has shown us that the coordination between the members of the team, and all our translators and editors is fundamental for delivering the best quality in the shortest possible deadlines. We therefore engage in lifelong learning and make every endeavour to work alongside a stable group of translators who are able to deliver the high standards of quality that our clients expect of us. 

Interglossa has worked for large and small companies, both local and international. It endeavours to keep in close contact with its clients at all times and does its utmost to give quick responses and efficient solutions to their problems. We are acutely aware that the success of our clients’ businesses may depend on the right translation of their company policies, advertisements, contracts or annual reports. We therefore take great pains to understand exactly what our clients require and work to their deadlines.  We don’t want to let a single detail get past us!

barcelona translators
barcelona translators
Sonia Carrera: Partner / Project Manager.
barcelona translators
Eloísa Moyano: Partner / Project Manager.
barcelona translators
Philippe Waller: Translator / Reviewer.
barcelona translators
Montse Fornaguera: Receptionist.
barcelona translators
Judith Gracia: Translator / Project Manager


Interglossa's workflow

At Interglossa, we are acutely aware that quality is achieved on a day-to-day basis thanks to the implementation of a client-driven work policy, reasonable prices, great flexibility, a totally reliable quality control system endorsed by ISO 17100 and, above all, a friendly manner and a concerted effort to continually improve.

The result of all these efforts was the introduction of an efficient management system that has been fine-tuned for our translation and editing projects based on the requirements, processes and procedures of ISO 17100 for translation service providers. We like to make sure we get things right!

The diagram below describes the process all documents go through in our quality control system. It may be rather long, but if you have a few minutes you will have a full understanding of which processes all translation and editing projects go through, whether they are 50 or 50,000 words long.


Documentation submitted.
It is entered into the project management system

The client explains what is required and sends us a text to be translated, which is put on record and entered into our project management program.

The project is then immediately assigned to a project manager (PM).

The PM arranges the conditions of the service, the delivery deadline and the cost with the client, and will ask for any instructions or comments that the client believes worth highlighting. Everything you can tells us will help us!

The PM will then be responsible for monitoring the project throughout the translation process.


A PM sets up the job and assigns it to a translator.

The PM examines the documentation sent in, the specific requirements of the project and of the client.

The PM looks at any available reference materials and compiles it if thought necessary, and gives instructions to both the translator and editor.

The MP assigns the project to a translator and editor based on their specialisations and language combinations.


Text translation and editing.

This is the part of the process that is essentially devoted to the task of translating or editing.

The translator may fall back on any specialised translation tools and specific databases that help produce a richer, more consistent text.

Any questions the translator may have at this stage are passed on to the PM, who will in turn put them to the client.



At this stage, the translations is edited and any errors found rectified.


Delivery to client.

The PM checks that the documentation produced fulfils all of the client’s requirements and then sends it as arranged with the client. We’re almost there now!


Post-translation, update of terminology and client feedback

Any comments made by the client about the actual translation or editing, the use of certain terminology, etc. will be examined in order to adjust the style as much as possible to the needs of each individual.

Getting feedback from our clients is essential as this not only to helps us to adjust more closely to the style each one prefers, but also enables us to update our translation memories, which will serve as the basis for subsequent projects. The more feedback, the more added value!


Documentation put on record.

Unless instructed otherwise, we put the documentation on record for future reference.

Contact us

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