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Interglossa celebrates its 25th anniversary

In 1993, Interglossa’s founding partners, Sonia Carrera and Eloísa Moyano, linguists and translators, pooled their knowledge and resources (which at the time could be whittled down to a couple of PCs, a printer and a few dictionaries) and they set up business in a small office in Barcelona to work on a project to translate various books on general medicine, under the supervision of a panel of experts.And that’s when it all started.

Our profession has undergone dramatic changes over the past 25 years. We have gone from using paper dictionaries, looking up encyclopaedias and calling experts to online resources and discussion forums. We no longer worry about the ink running out just before the deadline for an urgent translation but now worry about whether the Internet will go down just as we press “Send”.

Technological breakthroughs have totally transformed the outlook of professional translation, but some things remain the same: our passion for building bridges of communication, doing our utmost to be able to put a message across with the same nuances it was intended to have and our commitment to customer service.

Over the years, we have helped many businesses to establish themselves and sell their products in other countries, we have been involved in legal processes in international jurisdictions to make them go as smoothly as possible, we have participated in marketing campaigns and we have assisted many individuals process their paperwork with official organisations.

We have reached this point almost without realising it, but the time has come to reflect and show our appreciation. It is time to stop and think about everything we can improve and get on with it. It is also the time to thank everyone who has helped us get to where we are: those who have assisted us in the day-to-day running of our business, all of the translators who have worked with us and continue to do so because they share our passion for language and the clients who have placed their trust in us and continue to do so because they know that we are hard, honest workers.

Our sincerest thanks to all of you!

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